Monday, 21 July 2014

Example Knowledge Management role description

The Job by MichiganFirstCU on Flickr

Here is another example Knowledge Management role description

This is part of a series - we already have role descriptions from
Here is one more to add to the collection - a Sample Job Description & Specification From CILIP - which I would suggest serves to illustrate some of the role confusion that exists around KM.

CILIP is the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, and the role description below seems to extend beyond that of a Knowledge Manager, into that of an Information Manager and even Data Manager.

It is important to either keep these roles separate, or make clear that this is a combined Knowledge, Information and Data manager role.

I have therefore marked in bold all elements of the job description that we in Knoco believe is core to KM. Anything not boldened is Information Management, everything in italics is Data Management. See the original link for further material on Qualifications and Experiences.

Knowledge Manager Job Description 

Job Purpose
  • To take the lead in implementing the organisation’s Knowledge Management Strategy within the employed structure. 
  • To advise the CEO and the Directors on knowledge management and information systems 
  • To oversee the management of information within the organisation 
  • To ensure that the information needs of the organisation are met in a timely, effective and efficient manner. 

Key Roles
  • To lead, plan and support the implementation of the Knowledge Management Strategy. This will involve working closely with CEO and Directors to agree planning priorities and work plans
  • Managing the relationship with third party software providers of the website, extranet, membership database and online survey tool. 
  • Providing leadership for knowledge management and information to all employees 
  • To provide a strategic view on the further development of knowledge management systems and practices in order to support the work and development of the organisation into the future. 
  • To ensure that all systems supporting Knowledge Management work in an integrated fashion and are appropriately supported and developed to guarantee a high and continuing level of efficiency benefit to the organisation. 
  • To take the lead in encouraging employees to share knowledge, ensuring they are aware of the knowledge management resources available to support their work, are appropriately trained and are using the systems efficiently and productively. 
  • To take the lead on all database issues and development, in collaboration with the IT manager and membership services team, including: 
    • managing all interfaces to the database. 
    • a rolling programme of development to take advantage of new features available or to meet changing organisational requirements Sample Job Description & Specification Thanks to the organisations that have agreed to the use of their work. All rights reserved. 
    • managing software updates, 
    • co-ordinating the end of subscription year rollover process, 
    • managing user access, and data cleansing 
    • To ensure that the maximum amount of useful information is extracted from the organisation’s data systems through use of reporting tools, and acting as a single point of contact for all data requests. 
  • Monitor and share data illustrating the organisation’s progress in achieving its strategic objectives 
  • To manage, maintain and develop the extranet system, so that information and data is accessible to employees. 
  • To take the technical lead in relation to the organisation’s websites including project managing development work and correcting broken links. 
  • To undertake research on behalf of the organisation and disseminate the results to relevant parties 
  • To act as the organisation’s data protection officer by managing 
    • The organisation’s data protection policies, 
    • The organisation’s registration with the Information Commissioner, 
    • Data processor agreements with suppliers, 
    • Refresher and induction training for staff, 
    • The organisation’s response to data protection breaches, 
    • Ad hoc requests for data sharing advice, and data protection audits. 
  • To manage the organisation’s online survey tool, acting as a single point of contact for any issues, training users as required and assisting with survey design and the statistical analysis of results · 
  • To maintain effective surveillance of key websites and other sources of information to ensure that relevant material is extracted and disseminated in a succinct form to the CEO, Directors, Officers, Council and Board of Trustees. 

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