Thursday, 21 January 2016

Quantified KM value story number 98 - Chrysler

According to The Harvard Business School article "DaimlerChrysler Post-Merger Integration"

"The company [Chrysler] devised an engineering book of knowledge (EBOK) to capture the knowledge being generated in the tech clubs [communities of practice]. The EBOK enables tech club members to contribute to a large knowledge base and share leading practices and state-of-the-art technology with other engineers across platforms, and pass down knowledge to engineers who were new to the company or the project.  
One concrete result of the knowledge management system was related to the supplier program SCORE: suppliers enter ideas for cost savings into a Lotus Notes system, and the ideas were reviewed by key departments within Chrysler for comment on possible approval. One executive noted "we got 26,000 ideas over 5 years that saved $1.5 billion" [Bob Wallace in a Computerworld article from 1998]

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