Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Salaries for Knowledge Manager roles

I did some quick research the other day on "Glassdoor" - the salary comparison site.

Here's a histogram of the salaries of the 40 "Knowledge Manager jobs I found

Median salary is about $70,000, but more interesting is the spread - from a minor pittance working an a charity, to over 140k working for a consultancy.

I think this spread shows that "Knowledge Manager" is a poorly defined job, just as "Knowledge Management" is a poorly defined term. You could be a knowledge manager and earn $40k, you could be a knowledge manager and earn $140k - it all depends on what you mean by knowledge manager!


lizw said...

Maybe - but I'm wondering whether it's actually the sector rather than the role definition that makes the difference.

Vivek said...

Interesting information. Thanks Nick.

Nick Milton said...

You could be right Liz - I would have to go back to the raw data and see if there is a sector influence on the spread. I wonder if anyone else has any data?

Unknown said...

Interesting statistics indeed. No hard data as such, however I do find quite a few roles that require additional experience over the core KM. E.g. experience of managing departments, fluency in other languages or expertise of specific service lines. Recruiters probably realise this is a big ask and are willing to pay more.

Anonymous said...

I suspect all the previous replies contain elements of the overall answer. Perhaps the spread is a reflection, and or directly correlated, to the understanding organizations have of KM?

Anonymous said...

I suspect all the previous replies contain elements of the overall answer. Perhaps the spread is a reflection, and or directly correlated, to the understanding organizations have of KM?

Nick Milton said...

You are almost certainly right, Scott, but I don't have the data to be able to find out.

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