Wednesday 20 January 2010

Guerilla KM and the big impact

Originally uploaded by ˙Cаvin 〄

Two excellent quotes in this blog post (now removed), reposting from Ken Miller in his 2007 article, Guerrilla Warfare, How to Create Change when you are not in charge. She says

"Some of Ken’s useful tips for creating change when you’re not in charge are:

•“Implement the change initiative in one unit. “Don’t make the mistake of piloting the concepts on low-hanging fruit. Think big. If nobody notices what you’ve done, you’ve missed the point of guerrilla warfare. And if everybody notices what you are doing before you’re done, you have also missed the point.”

•Create a buzz. “If you have selected a high-impact, high-visibility system, you won’t need to broadcast the results — people will notice.”"

I really like that first one - "If nobody notices what you’ve done, you’ve missed the point of guerrilla warfare". However it is also a matter of selecting your pilot implementation carefully. Like a guerrilla unit, you want a big bang, but you can't afford to fail either.

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