Thursday, 31 December 2009

KM road map

From the website of the Pennsylvania Office of Administration, a pretty good "KM roadmap" which summarises many of the principles we espouse in Knoco for KM implementation. I quote their list


If your organization is interested in
managing internal knowledge, the following items will help you get started on
your journey:

Review current business processes for efficiency and
Build a business case to secure Senior Management support that
identifies processes that can be shortened, timelines that can be decreased,
expected impact of retirements, etc
Conduct an assessment to determine your
organization's readiness
Identify knowledge that is critical to your
Define the scope of your knowledge management efforts where
capturing and reusing knowledge will yield the highest return; consider using a
pilot group
Align knowledge management efforts to the organization's
business strategy
Analyze knowledge that exists in your organization
the extent possible, leverage existing information technology investments
Focus on explicit and tacit knowledge
Develop a conceptual plan of your
knowledge management system
Build and deploy a results-driven system
Include cultural considerations to sustain knowledge management practices
Measure the success of your knowledge management initiatives against
established goals
Stay abreast of latest developments and trends,
incorporating best practices and success stories.

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