Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Knowledge Management at Northrop Grumman - case study

Here is a fantastic slideset describing Knowledge Management at the Aerospace Systems department of Northrop Grumman, the US-based aerospace and defence organisation. 

Bob Payne and Mark Britton have made this resource available through Slide-Player, and give us a picture not only of the current state of KM in their organisation as of 2010, but also their "10 years plus"  journey to reach KM maturity.

The Knowledge Management Framework in this organisation of 23,000 people contains the following elements:

  • A 9-person KM team
  • "Learning before, during and after processes" embedded in the work flow
  • This includes peer assist, after action reviews, Retrospects and lesson-learning
  • Transfer of tacit knowledge and job handover
  • Knowledge and value stream mapping
  • Over 200 communities of practice
  • Supporting collaboration, web 2.0 and networking technology
  • Online knowledge bases
  • A collaborative office design
  • A recognition and awards system for good KM performance

Congratulations to Bob and the team for a successful KM program, and the willingness to share this with others.

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