Monday, 9 November 2009

Benefits Mapping template

On our downloads page this week we have posted a free Benefits Mapping template which we use during the early stages of KM implementation, as a buy-in tool.

The purpose of the Benefits Mapping Template is to allow the participants in a benefits workshop to articulate, in the form of a diagram, how knowledge management interventions can yield measurable business results in service of business drivers or goals.

We generally run a benefits workshop either

a) For an organisation, in the early stages of KM implementation, when we have completed a full assessment (and therefore know the interventions needed), and have agreed a KM strategy with management (so that we can prioritise those interventions).
b) For a KM pilot project, after the scoping phase, and before completion of the terms of reference.

We run the workshop with senior business leaders, whose guidance and buy-in are crucial. Visit our downloads page to obtain a copy of the template.

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