Wednesday, 27 October 2021

KM at PWC Middle East (video)

Here is a link to a video of my ex-colleague Rupert Lescott talking at a virtual KM event about the application of KM to projects within PWC. 

Thanks Rupert for letting me share the link below (you will need to ckick the link rather than the picture.

PWC Case Study: Applying KM to projects - learning before, during and after - Rupert Lescott, Director of Knowledge Management at PwC Middle East - 2021 Knowledge Management Conference

 According to the website, 

This talk covers the way we have built our KM function and now use it to leverage consultants’ experience of engagements. It will look at the following areas: 
● Overview of KM framework elements - i.e. roles, processes, technology etc. 
● KM Governance - policy, performance management, support 
● Knowledge domains - project delivery, research & benchmarking, clients & consultants 
● KM tools - to aid learning before, during and after each project 
● The knowledge pipeline - from a client engagement to our portal

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