Wednesday, 15 September 2021

KM in the US Army - video part 1 (including how KM helped with Covid response)

The US Army Training and Doctrine command, who run KM for the US Army, have released the first part of their KM documentary (I shared the introduction here).

There is some great stuff here. 

"All of the foundational thoughts about Mission Command, rely heavily on Knowledge Management"

"Those organisations who have been successful in Knowledge Management have this lesson to share  - senior leaders must actively participate in the Knowledge Management program if it is to be successful"

The video also explains the way KM has helped the Army during the pandemic. "Had we not been in that spot (with our KM system) when the pandemic hit, it would have been a mess"

Well worth watching!

S1. Episode 1 - Why KM Matters from U.S. Army TRADOC on Vimeo.

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