Monday, 17 May 2021

What should the KM executive sponsor do?

Someone senior has asked you to introduce Knowledge Management and is providing you with some time and budget for this. What should you ask them to do for you in return?

Most or all KM initiatives have an executive sponsor (there are some that do not have one, the so-called Guerrilla KM or stealth KM, but these generally have the aim of gaining a sponsor). What do you need that sponsor to do for you?

The role of the Executive Sponsor is as follows;

  • To act as customer for the KM implementation program, defining the needs and success criteria for implementation, 
  • To act as customer for effective operation of the KM Framework, defining the required outcome and KPIs,
  • To convene and chair the KM steering group,
  • To aid in removing corporate barriers to effective KM, 
  • To endorse and communicate the vision for KM within the organisation,
  • To agree and endorse the KM policy,
  • To set corporate expectations for adherence to the policy, 
  • To ensure appropriate resources for KM within the organisation,
  • To agree the reporting structure for KM metrics and to receive an appropriate level of reporting, and 
  • To appoint, resource and manage a Chief Knowledge Officer or Head of KM plus their implementation team.

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