Wednesday 19 June 2019

New survey results on planned usage of the ISO KM standard

Last week I launched an online survey of planned uses for the new ISO KM standard: ISO 30401:2018. Here are the results of that survey. 

The survey was announced on this blog, on Twitter, and on LinkedIn (where it was shared by many people). 75 people answered the survey, which seems like a large enough dataset to be representative. The results are shown above, and in the table below.

Response Number
Buy a copy as a useful guide to KM development 20
Self-audit compliance against the standard 17
No plans to engage with it 14
I didn't even know there was an ISO KM standard 12
Seek external audit of compliance against the standard 5
Bought a copy to be able to advise clients aiming for it. 1
Bought a copy. Now thinking of how could I use THAT... 1
Hasn’t thought about it in a while but now thinking we should use! 1
If I can access through the library I would look at it but I can't afford to purchase a copy 1
Use it as a communications tool for senior stakeholders to get buy in for a "serious" approach to KM 1
Utilize audit group internally 1
Need to understand it better before I decide whether I need to consider it relevant in my market 1

Over half of the respondents (42 out of 45) plan to use the survey in some way or another, as a useful guide (27%), as a tool for self-audit (23%) or as a tool for external audit (7%).

14 respondents (19%) do not plan to engage with the standard at all. 

Almost as many (12 respondents, 16%) were unaware that it exists. 

The remaining individual responses vary
  • Three of them are effectively "don't know" responses
  • One is "I can't afford it", which you could say equates to not planning to engage with it, for reasons of expense. 
  • One is "utilise audit group" which I suspect is another vote for internal/self-audit
  • One is a KM consultant planning to use it with clients
  • And the final one is interesting - planning to use the standard as a mechanism to engage senior managers. 
If we eliminate the "Don't know" answers and the "Unaware" answers, and reassign "can't afford it" and "utilise audit group" as discussed above, then we have the following stats:

  • 60 people knew about the standard and had a view on its use
  • 45 of these (75%) planned to use the standard in some way (as a guide, for internal or external audit, for communication with stakeholders or for supporting clients)
  • 15 (25%) said they had no plans to use it

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