Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Top 10 blog posts of 2018

Thank you for your support for this blog in 2018 - here is a review of the year, and our Top 10 posts from 2018. More posts will follow in 2019

Support for this blog has been fairly steady during 2018, although trends suggest that it is now viewed more through Linked-In than through other channels

 The most popular posts from 2018  are listed below.  Most are from the fist part of the year, as the longer a post is online, the more hits it receives from online searches.

 If you missed any of them, then why not have a look now!

 1. Why "knowledge sharing" cannot replace "knowledge management"
Can we use the term "knowledge sharing" as better replacement for the term "Knowledge Management? This post suggests two good reasons not to do so.

 2. There are only 4 types of barrier to Knowledge Management
This post presents a great Boston Square which looks at the four barriers to KM in a generic way. It looks at the unwillingness and the inability that can affect both the knowledge supplier, and the knowledge user. Any combination of these is a block to Knowledge management.

3. What is a knowledge product?
The concept of a Knowledge Product is a common one in the development sector, and is used as a label for many types of document. But what makes a product a "knowledge product"?

4. Will AI replace KM?
I have been working in Knowledge Management for a long time now, and the history of KM includes examples of one technology after another claiming that it will replace KM or make it obsolete. Yet KM is still here. Will AI be the same story again?

5. Can you time-write KM activity?
A common question from clients in professional services, legal or consulting firms, which usually operate a strict time-writing regime, is "How do we Timewrite KM"?

6. The knowledge cycle as you have never seen it before
We are used to seeing pictures of knowledge cycles, but there is one cycle you never see, and it's very important. It starts with a Problem, and is a demand-driven cycle, unlike the common supply-driven cycles.

7. The shrinking half-life of knowledge, and what that means for KM
Knowledge has a half-life, and that half-life is getting shorter every year

8. How the Australian Emergency Services manage lessons
Taken from an online document, This post shares a great insight into lesson management from Emergency Management Victoria.

9. What would it take, to get you to share more of your knowledge?
This was a question Shell asked in an internal survey, several years ago, in order to understand the incentives and barriers for knowledge sharing. The top 6 answers are shown and discussed in this post.

10. Why you can't have AI without KM
This post suggests that the rise of AI in the form of intelligent agents requires the rise of KM to support it.

 In addition - 

The most visited post this year, as last year, was an old post from 2013 called "The illusion of confidence - test your overconfidence bias". 

There were few discussions on the blog, most discussions happening in LinkedIn instead.

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