Monday, 8 October 2018

Reminder - KM Standard webinar

Just a reminder that the British Standards institute is holding an open webinar today at 2pm UK time to launch the new ISO KM standard.

I am co-hosting the webinar, together with Ron Young and Judy Payne, and Julie Lataweic and Paul Lambert from BSI. We will cover

  • Introdocution to BSI, ISO, and standards development
  • Why an international, principles-led, KM standard was needed 
  • The new standard’s requirements 
  • How to go about implementing the standard
You can find details and register your interest here. Already we have about 350 people attending. 

We had hoped that the standard would have been released by now - the word is that it could be "any day now". The ISO site still shows it as in the development phase; however development is complete and w are awaiting official release.

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