Friday 12 October 2018

ISO KM standard - link to webinar recording

Please find copied below a communication from BSI about the webinar earlier this week where we introduced ISO Management Systems standard 30401 - Knowledge Management, with a request to pass it on to other interested parties.

You can find below links to the slides that were presented, and to a recording of the webinar

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Dear Nicholas,
Thank you for your interest in our Unlocking the value of knowledge - Introduction to BSI ISO 30401 Webinar. You can download the presented material below.  
Please feel free to pass these along to colleagues who may be interested. We hope that you find it interesting and helpful in understanding the new standard.

We look forward to welcoming you to other insightful discussions in the future.

Keep an eye:
BS ISO 30401 will be published soon and you can follow the project status here.

For all general enquiries call +44 345 086 9001 or visit the BSI Group website
Our mailing address is:
BSI Standards
389 Chiswick High Road
London, W4 4AL
United Kingdom
The British Standards Institution (BSI, a company incorporated by Royal Charter), performs the National Standards Body activity (NSB) in the UK. BSI, together with other BSI Group Companies, also offers a broad portfolio of business solutions other than the NSB activity that help businesses worldwide to improve results through Standards-based best practice (such as certification, self-assessment tools, software, product testing, information products and training).

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