Tuesday 25 July 2017

Example KM principles - US Army TRADOC

Here is a neat and concise set of KM Principles from the US Army.

These KM principles for the US Army Traning and Doctrine command are taken from the website for the TRADOC Chief Knowledge Office.  There are many KM principles here that could apply to any organisation.

  1. Train and educate KM leaders, managers, and champions.
  2. Reward knowledge sharing and make knowledge management career rewarding.
  3. Establish a doctrine of collaboration.
  4. Use every interaction, whether face-to-face or virtual, as an opportunity to acquire and share knowledge.
  5. Prevent knowledge loss.

  1. Protect and secure information and knowledge assets.
  2. Use legal and standard business rules and processes across the enterprise.
  3. Embed knowledge assets (e.g. links, podcasts, videos, documents, simulations, wikis) in standard business processes and provide access to those who need to know

  1. Use standardized collaborative tools sets.
  2. Use Open Architectures to permit access and searching across boundaries.
  3. Use a robust search capability to access contextual knowledge and store content for discovery.
  4. Use portals that permit single sign-on and authentication across the global enterprise including partners.
  1. Use standardize repositories that tags content allowing enterprise discoverablity and sharing capabilities to capture, preserve and make available information essential for decisions, and actions.
  2. Document Management using common taxonomies.

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