Friday, 6 June 2014

The five skills you need on a KM team

There are five key skills you need on a KM team, no matter what sort of organisation you are.

This is another conclusion from the Knoco 2104 Knowledge Management survey, and the five skills are shown on the bar graph to the right.

The survey contains a section on KM team size, reporting links, and skillsets. We offered participants seven typical KM skillsets, and asked them to rank the make-up of their KM team against these skills, giving highest priority to the skills most common in their teams. The bar chart above shows the number of times each skillset was chosen as "highest ranking". 

5 skills are ranked highly, and these 5 are common across most of the organisational sectors represented in the survey. These skills are 

  • Information Technology skills, 
  • Information Management and Library skills, 
  • Change Management skiils, 
  • Facilitation skills, and 
  • The basic skills of the organisation itself (legal skills for legal firms, military skills for military organisations, and so on). 

These skillsets are common across all sectors, although prioritisation varies.

  • Legal KM teams prioritise Organisational (Legal) skills
  • Oil and Gas KM team prioritise Facilitation skills
  • Professional services firms prioritise IM and Library skills

However even though prioritisation changes, we can probably treat these five skills as the core skillset of a KM team.

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