Friday 20 June 2014

Quantified KM value stories numbers 82 through 84 - IBM

This article, entitled IBM's KM strategy, is a source of a number of quantified KM success stories to add to our collection.

I quote the following description of the value generated through three technologies;
KnowledgeView ... contains intellectual capital, key resources and discussion forums that all support the consulting business, and ...helps consultants find content quicker and increased intellectual capital sharing by 59 percent. That translates to $42 million opportunity cost savings in 2004
Since 2004, the Global Services KM team has captured 384 anecdotal success stories that demonstrate significant business impact. (Karen Ughetta, ex-director, IBM Collaboration and Knowledge says the business results captured by those success stories represent $81 million in cost savings, $63 million in asset revenue and $2.6 billion in services revenue.
Ughetta adds that IBM calculated a $50 million productivity improvement per year for the last four years by reducing the time required to find experts from one week down to less than eight hours. Xtreme Leverage also contains more than 400 active communities representing 6,000 users between sales, business partners and clients, for $16 million of additional revenue.
KM racking up the value there at IBM.

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