Friday, 13 December 2013

KM Salaries in Hong Kong

Forex Money for Exchange in Currency BankIt's always good to get an insight in to the KM market, so thanks to Professor Eric Tsui for pointing out on Linked-In this Hong Kong salaries report, which contains some figures for 2011/2012 Knowledge Management salaries (These are, bizarrely, listed within the Sales and Marketing section).

I have translated these into US dollars

  • A Knowledge management director (10+ years experience) could expect USD $ 110k to $170k per annum, or $8.4 to $14k on a monthly basis.
  • A Knowledge manager (6-8 years experience) could expect USD $ 80k to $110k per annum, or $6k to $8k on a monthly basis.
  • A Knowledge management executive (3-6 years experience) could expect USD $ 42k to $80k per annum, or $3.6k to $6k on a monthly basis.

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