Wednesday 6 March 2013

Using quotations in knowledge transfer

I'm fairly sure neither Ben nor Merv said that Following on from yesterday's post on "the voice of experience" - I always like to use quotes from people in packaged knowledge.

This is something journalists do frequently, and this page from eHow, entitled "How to use quotes in a news article", explains why

  • Using quotes in a news story is an excellent way to hold the reader’s interest and advance the story. 
  • Direct quotes provide credibility, particularly when used to document information sources. 
  • Studies show that newspaper readers tend to remember articles that contain quotes, especially if the quotes are very colourful. 
  • Every word uttered by a source should not be used as a quote, however; and by keeping a few guidelines in mind, you can write an interesting and compelling story. 

We can use quotes in our knowledge assets as well, and for the same reasons - to hold interest, to advance the story, to provide credibility and to enhance retention of the knowledge.

After all, a newspaper article without quotes is just an editorial, and who trusts editorials?


Mikkelsen said...

It's a great observation, Nick. Thank you. The link is flawed though. Here's the right URL:


Kenneth MIkkelsen

Nick Milton said...

Thanks Kenneth - link now fixed

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