Friday, 6 July 2012

6 wiki rules from NASA

6 Fingers for Flickr's 6th Found in this article, here are 6 rules for effective wiki deployment, based on experience in NASA

  • Wikis work best when they solve a problem that is evident to most of a group. 
  •  Wiki use needs to replace an existing work process, not add to work. 
  •  Wikis need advocates and advertising. 
  •  Seeding the wiki with valuable content helps jump-start the process; with a blank page, no one knows where to start. 
  •  Gradual growth is fine, and starting small helps a core group of users become accustomed to the wiki (think pilot study). 
  •  A wiki that serves a niche need is okay; it does not need to be all things to all people.

1 comment:

SageCo said...

Brief and clear - makes perfect sense!

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