Here's a list we made a while ago, in conjunction with Adel Al-Terkait, of the different mechanisms by which a community of practice can add value to an organisation. No doubt you can think of more!
- Solve problems for each other
- Learning before
- Learning during
- Learning after
- Benchmark performance with each other
- Exchanging resources
- Collaborating on purchasing (buying things that any one member could not justify)
- Collaborating on contracts (using the purchasing power of the community)
- Cooperating on trials and pilots
- Sharing results of studies
- Exchanging equipment (re-use old equipment, share spares)
- Warning of risks
- Mentoring and coaching each other
- Building and maintaining documented Best Practices
- Developing checklists and templates
- Identifying knowledge retention issues
- Identifying training gaps and collaborating on training provision
- Innovation – new products, services or opportunities
Hi Nick,
Agree with every point on that list. I think the following points already fit in with your existing 17, however:
18. Opportunity to upskill new starters from existing subject matter or domain experts
19. Provide a sense of belonging and pride that can occur from belonging to a practice
Thanks Arshad - good additions!
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