Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Knowledge Management Pilots, a summary

One or more Knowledge Management pilots is an important step in Knowledge Management implementation. A pilot is where you apply an entire KM framework to a part of the business, in order to "road test" KM before Going Live.

I have already blogged about Pilots, but here's an overview

An effective pilot will address a Practice Area – one that could cover many  business projects, teams and divisions – rather than covering a single business project or team.
Some of the good pilots we have worked with in the past include
o   Turnarounds in refineries
o   Developing “route to market”
o   Retail site construction in Europe
o   Entering far eastern markets
o   Marketing pet food in emerging nations
o   Winning government contracts
o   Business Downsizing
o   Mergers and Acquisitions
o   Underground mining techniques
and many others

o  Good support from the business, with the business providing a leader for the pilot 
o  The ability to measure the impact of the pilot (so an area with clear business metrics, and a baseline)
o  The ability to use the knowledge from the pilot more widely
o  An issue which is not to big to solve in the required time frame

The purpose of piloting the KM framework will be as follows;
o   Understanding What Works in terms of KM
o   Fine-tuning the KM framework
o   Delivering success stories for future marketing
o   Gathering enough evidence of value, that Senior Management will then commit to the roll-out of KM

The last point is important, and the KM team needs to gain agreement with Senior Management that
o   The pilot will be able to deliver the evidence
o   What that evidence needs to be, and
o   That if the pilot delivers the evidence, then KM roll-out will proceed (in other words, if they "test the water" and it's fine, they need to be committed to swimming!)

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