Thursday, 15 December 2011

KM jobs, what are they looking for?

Help Wanted, No Bullshit "Knowledge Management" is a poorly defined term, so when you see a job advertisement for "Knowledge Manager", just what exactly are they looking for? What is that job likely to entail?

I did a quick survey of the last 25 job vacancies I have seen that were labelled "KM" or "Knowledge manager", and found the following

  • 20% were looking for work in strategic KM - looking to develop or promote the sharing and re-use of knowledge for business benefit - the sort of work I like to do
  • 20% were looking for portal designers and technicians.
  • 16% were looking for content management or content publishing
  • 12% were looking for sales people to sell KM software
  • 8% were looking for people to provide CoP support
then the rest were looking for
  • a web designer
  • a SharePoint technician
  • a person to support collaborative technology
  • a taxonomist
  • a data miner
  • a role which said "Knowledge Management" on the email, "Knowledge and information management" on the job description title, and looked to be 100% IM from the description itself.
So there's still a real spread out there. It pays to read the job description carefully - I know of more than one example of a knowledge manager thinking they knew what job they were going for, and finding it to be radically different in practice. 

1 comment:

Frank Leistner said...

Thanks for sharing those stats, Nic. I am almost surprised to see as much as 20% "strategic KM", whenever I looked it seemed 99% techies and SAP "Knowledge Base" administrators... so maybe there is hope after all, that the knowledge flow driver profession will catch on...

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