What are the main cultural barriers to Knowledge Management? How can they be addressed? Some ideas below.
Knowledge is power
This really means that people fear that sharing knowledge will harm their status. Help people realise that sharing knowledge increases collective power, that being generous with your knowledge helps your status, and that accessing the knowledge of others makes you more effective.
Building empires
This is a result of rewarding internal competition, which means that people build silos for personal security and reward. Focus instead on building communities which cross-cut organisational divisions, on removing all incentives for internal competition, and on bridging the silos.
Individual work bias/Local focus
Here people are incentivised solely by their own contribution, which disinentivised sharing with others,. Promote and reward work in teams and communities, and show how this gives better results
Not invented here
"Not invented here" is a symptom of an unwillingness to learn, and there is absolutely no point in creating the best knowledge sharing system if your organization has a learning problem. Redefine “here”, so “here” could mean “this community” or “this company”, not just “this team”. Then outlaw NIH completely.
Fear of "not knowing"
Here peoeple are unwilling to look for knwoledge from others, in case they appear personally incapable. Help people realise that it is better to look widely for solutions that to rely on your own personal store of knowledge, and that the wisest person asks the most questions.
Penalising errors
Help people learn that mistakes are OK so long as you learn from them and share that learning, and so long as you are not repeating someone else’s mistakes (or even worse, repeating your own).
No time to share
Very often people say "we don't have the time for Knowledge Management". But in fact, it's not a question of time, it's a question of priority. Capturing and sharing and resusing knowledge needs to be seen as part of the job, not an add-on, and just as much a priority as many other management aspects of the way we work.
1 comment:
Great comprehensive collection.
Individual work bias / local focus & no time to share - in my opinion the true reason lies deeper than "individual" - culture and management: see "Sharing - new patterns" and "the Power of Sharing"
ps: as I am replying to context, I might have answered with the links before in a different context (in this case I rely on your filter)
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