Monday, 14 February 2011

senior managers leading the way in KM

Last week I blogged a letter from the Knowledge Management team to senior managers in the organisation. In that letter I asked for their support - not just in words, but in action - and for their involvement in early knowledge management activity.

An excellent example of this comes from the early days of knowledge management at BP, where we were introducing a Yellow Pages system (a directory of "who knows what") which we referred to as "BP Connect". We asked the senior managers to lead the way and set an example by entering their own profiles into the system first. Then they used the little notices shown here as email signatures, to broadcast to the rest of the organisation that "they were connected". All the people shown here were from the senior management team at the time, including the CEO, Lord Browne.

These "I'm Connected" email sigs caught on and became quite popular, and were a key factor in driving involvement in  the Connect system. Now, 13 years later, there are 45000 BP employees on the system

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