Wednesday, 26 May 2010

KM, road safety and Hollywood Actresses

THINK! Safety sign
Originally uploaded by Gene Hunt

As reported here
"Asian film icon and Hollywood actress Michelle Yeoh, together with the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), called for the prioritization of road safety in the
region during a transport forum at the ADB Headquarters in Mandaluyong City
Wednesday morning.

The Malaysian actress of “Tomorrow Never Dies,”
“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” and “Memoirs of a Geisha” fame paid her first
visit to Manila to participate in the ADB Transport Forum “Changing Course:
Pathways to Sustainable Transport.”

She spoke in Wednesday’s morning session alongside ADB Vice-President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development Ursula Schaefer-Preuss".

The mixture of Hollywood and KM is unusual, but the mixture of KM and Road Safety is not so unusual. We were involved with BP in the early 2000s in conducting a Learning History on Road safety in Turkey, the learning from which was shared via a very active and committed community of practice, and reused in many parts of the world to reduce deaths from road accidents.

Delivering effective road safety initiatives is an excellent focus for KM initiatives. What would be even more powerful would be a broader sharing between the development sector and the private sector. I wonder what the ADB, and Michelle Yeoh, could glean from the BP success, for example?

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