The road of life twists and turns and
no two directions are ever the same.
Yet our lessons come from the journey,
not the destination......365/365
Originally uploaded by AndYaDontStop
Implementing Knowledge Management is a change process - we all recognise this. we are changing attitudes as well as workflows and toolkits. We are changing attitudes towards knowledge; from seeing it as a personal attribute to seeing it as collective, from seeing it as a source of personal power to seeing it as a source of company power, and from seeing it as something acquired in the classrooom to seeing it as something acquired every day through work (see more details on the KM culture shift). If people can understand this with their heads and grasp in in their hearts, then we have made this shift.
KM professionals, helping the organisation make the culture shift, need to recognise that these hearts-and-minds shifts cannot be made wholesale. You need to plan a campaign of culture change. There are three weapons in our arsenal here - stakeholder mapping, communications planning, and a compelling case.
Taking these in reverse order, the compelling case needs to be a case for the individual as well as a case for the company, and ideally should be presented in such a way that the individual can "feel" the benefit, or "experience" the value of shared knowledge. We like to do this through exercises, such as our millionaire game, or (the King of all KM experiences) Bird island.
Communications is key to a change campaign, and we believe that communications planning needs to be one core component of a KM strategy. To help folks with this, we have produced a Template Communications Plan, which is available free of charge from our Downloads page. This template is one we use ourselves, and will allow you to
* define which message needs to be given to which audience
* define the medium for delivery of the message, the frequency of delivery, the owner and the sign-off for each message
* change the communication style and message as KM implementation proceeds through it's four stages.
The final weapon in the KM managers (or CKOs) arsenal is Stakeholder Mapping. There are many methods of Stakeholder mapping, most of which rely on defining relationships of power and influence (or power and impact). That's not what you need. You need to map stakeholders in terms of buy-in and influence, and then you need to map, for the most influential stakeholders, how their level of buy-in is needed to change over time. No one person buys into KM in a single step - there are several levels of buy-in maturity. We use an old Amoco model which recognises a ladder of 8 levels of buy-in to an idea, where people seldom move more than 1 or 2 steps at a time. So once you have listed your stakeholders, look at your KM implementation plan, identify the critical decisions, define the level of engagement needed from the critical stakeholders, and map out carefully how you will help them climb the ladder, step by step, reach that level.
That way, when the critical implementation decisions are reached, the hearts and the minds will be in the right place to make the right decision.
can help agreed more
take some time to help folks to work out their PKM and use the tools is very much better than give better than giving big lessons on km .
win them over one at a time
Well, yes, but I would not start with PKM. To me, that's a step in the wrong direction. I would start with showing the vluae of knowledge sharing and knowledge seeking; as I say, the shift from knowledge being personal, to knowledge being collective. Hence PKM would be the wrong place to start.
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