Tuesday 14 July 2009

Lessons Learned Survey

Dear blog readers

I have been commissioned to write a book entitled "The Lessons Learned Handbook: a Practical Knowledge-Based Approach to Learning from Experience" which I hope to complete by the end of the year.

To help me gain a little bit more of a view of the state of lesson-learning in organisations, I have devised a questionnaire which I would be very grateful if you could fill in. If you work in an organisation in the public or private sector, please answer on behalf of your organisation. If you consult, feel free to answer on behalf of a client, but please make it clear that's what you are doing, in the answer to question 1!

The survey only has 10 questions, and will take no more than 10 minutes, unless you have lots you want to share.

I will share the results via my blog, in a few weeks time

Click Here to take the survey

Thanks in advance

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