Monday, 29 May 2023

How to raise the profile of KM through stories; Knowvember at Fluor corp.

Fluor, the construction company, use the month of Knowvember" as an opportunity to publicise KM internally.

Fluor are an international engineering and construction company who have been applying a Knowledge management approach, based primarily on Communities of Practice, for well over 20 years. And with a long-running program such as this, it is easy for people to start to forget about KM, or take it for granted. Fluor have a powerful approach for keeping KM live in the corporate consciousness, described in a 2011 blog from Jeff Hester entitled "Successful KM storytelling".

Welcome to Knowvember.

Knowvember is an annual collection and celebration of KM success stories. It is a time when the Fluor offices sprout posters describing KM successes, chosen from submissions over the previous year. 

Each story has been collected - either informally and formally - from the various communities of practice and describes an example where knowledge was sought and shared, and where value was delivered to the organisation or to a client as a result. The stories come with pictures and quotes.

Then every year during the month of Knowvember the KM team reviews the stories shared over the past 12 months, and select a list of finalists. These are presented to a panel of C-level executives that select the winning stories. Jeff describes how "in 2010 we collected roughly 300 stories, culled this down to 20 finalists, from which the executives selected six winners. If your success story is selected as a winner, you get to select a local charitable organization to which a $500 donation is made in your name."

Although these stories are collected and publicised through the year, the annual one-month focus brings KM to the fore. As Jeff says

"During the final judging for the annual contest, the exposure these stories and the people involved get at a very high level of the organization serves two purposes: 
  • it provides recognition to folks who are often from far flung offices, and 
  • it reminds our executives of some very concrete ways KM strengthens and improves our company. 
And we’ve found that these stories provide the most tangible measure of the value of knowledge management — much more than the number of clicks and downloads".

Try a similar communication campaign at your organisation, focused on value stories. I could help keep alive and fresh the perception of KM as a value-delivery tool.

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