Monday, 25 February 2019

Operationalising Lessons Learned in a small organisation

Here's a really great video on a small organisation operationalising a lessons learned process

The organisation is Boulder Associates, an Architect and Design firm with a couple of hundred staff working out of a handful of US locations. The video was recorded at the KA-connect conference in San Francisco in 2018; an annual knowledge-focused conference for the AEC community organised by Knowledge Architecture.

The video is of a 27 minute presentation given by Todd Henderson and James Lenhart of Boulder Associates, and thanks Todd for the namechecks!

They make the point that collecting lesson is not the purpose of lesson learning, and they drive lesson learning through just in time delivery, using checklists as the final destination for the learning. Their combination of spreadsheet, tracking dashboard and checklists is a very simple, very appropriate system for an organisation of this scale.

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