Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Quantified value stories 112, 113 and 114; three examples from customer service

From a blog post called "In praise of Knowledge Management" come the following examples of quantified KM value, all from customer service centers;

Image from wikimedia commons
  • "A leading European mobile phone retailer saw a stark increase in contact deflection of 27.3 percent while markedly improving NPS  (Net Promoter Score) by 12 base points after implementing a knowledge management system".
  • "One of the largest global insurance providers realised a massive decrease in agent training costs by 50 percent, and a sharp drop of 30 percent in complaints".
  • "An Australian Government agency saw its customer satisfaction levels surge to 93 percent as well as raise agent satisfaction and reduce handling time by 53 percent".

The article concludes that "it is these kinds of success rates and improvement which make knowledge management a serious contender for inclusion in any list of top ten contact centre technologies".

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