Friday, 13 May 2016

Where is the best place to store knowledge?

As part of our 2014 global Knowledge Management survey, we tested where people store knowledge, and how effective that store is.

Here are some answers.

The table below shows where people who answered the survey store their Best Practices, and the satisfaction rating (marks out of 5) for that technology choice.

The "Other, please specify" responses were as follows:

  • Projects database with link to relevant COP 
  • Best practices search engines; online policies 
  • Integral part of our KM system 
  • Lotus Notes (legacy) + wiki (new) 
  • Nowhere yet, an early stage of the project 
  • People Publications 
  • Searchable electronic folder structure 
  • SharePoint as CMS 
  • The Box 
  • Yammer

The responses suggest that the best option is a home-grown "Other" system, and that second best is a portal or other dedicated software.  File Folders was a poorly ranked solution.

The table below shows where people who answered the survey store their Lessons Learned, and the satisfaction rating (marks out of 5) for that technology choice.

The responses suggest that the best option is a home-grown or purchased Lessons Management System.  Leaving lessons as sections within reports was rated as one of the worst solutions. 

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