Saturday, 13 February 2016

An unusual accolade for a Knowledge Manager

Here's an interesting story from the Defense Video and Imagery Distribution service telling of the award to the title "Warfighter of the Week" to a knowledge manager.

Cassandra White, photo
from the DVIDS site
Tech. Sergeant Cassandra White of the 12th Air Force was given the award at the end of January.

According to the article Sergeant White implements and manages knowledge operations programs and collaborative initiatives and technologies for 12th AF (AFSOUTH) headquarters.

 "We provide training, education and guidance in knowledge operations tools, techniques and best practices for 16 staff agencies and over 700 users," said White. "Additionally, the 12 AF (AFSOUTH) knowledge management section also is the Crisis Action Center's knowledge management liaison with both the 612th Air and Space Operations Center and U.S. Southern Command for major exercises."

What's really great about this award is the recognition that Knowledge Management is a core part of the main business of the US Air Force, rather than an add-on or side-bar.

Just as the NASA janitor was helping put a man on the moon, so Sergeant White the Knowledge Manager is recognised as helping the Air Force "Fight the War".

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