Monday, 4 May 2015

KMUK 2015

I have been asked to present at the KM UK conference this summer. 

KM UK is scheduled for 10 and 11 of June in London, and I am on the agenda presenting an overview of the state of KM in the world today based on the  results of our 2014 survey.

At the moment I am thinking I will discuss 7 items, but am open to suggestions. If there is anything else you want to find out about the current state of KM, please let me know via the comments on this post.

I am thinking of presenting the following:

  1. What people cover under the term "knowledge management"
  2. What knowledge they focus on
  3. How much they spend on KM, and what value they get in return
  4. How many people they put onto the KM team, and what sort of people
  5. How long Knowledge Management takes to embed
  6. What the main barriers and enablers are, and
  7. What the success factors are for delivering value

Is there anything else you would like to discover about how others apply Knowledge Management?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The relation between the number of communities of practice and the degree of KM success. Direct proportional relation in both?

Nick Milton said...

Hi Yoshihiro

Yes, I will cover this. Those companies which include communities of practice deliver significantly better results through KM than those that don't, as I show here -

However it is not so much the number of communities that makes the difference, as their size. Bigger communities are better, as I show here -

Unknown said...

I am now very interested in the composition of successful KM team (above No.3).
I already read your paper, but I want to know the real situation about this more to pursuade my boss.

Nick Milton said...

I will write you a separate email!

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