Thursday, 16 October 2014

Knowledge Management Starter offerings

Sometimes you just don't have the budget for a big Knowledge management program, but you would like to get started somewhere.  Or perhaps you have a little left in the KM budget before the end of the year, and would like to spend it on something that moves you forward.

With this in mind, we have developed a set of "starter offers" at Knoco - limited-scale interventions that can provide a good step forward for a small company, for a division or department within a large company, or for a Knowledge Manager with a small pot of cash to use up.

Many of these are versions of more in-depth services, but give you the option to "try before you buy" or to get some external objective expert input while your budget is still limited.

The offers are as follows;

Using data collected through a detailed survey of your staff, and telephone conversations with your knowledge management team, we assess the current state of knowledge management within your organisation, identify all the missing elements of the knowledge management framework, and suggest a list of actions for closing the gaps. (For a full KM Assessment, see here)
Using data collected through a one-day workshop, we assess the current state of knowledge management within your organisation, identify all the missing elements of the knowledge management framework, and suggest a list of actions for closing the gaps. (For a full KM Assessment, see here)
Using data collected through a survey of your management staff, and telephone conversations with your knowledge management team, we propose a Knowledge Management Strategy for your organisation, aligned with the corporate strategy and the business drivers, including an assessment of critical knowledge areas, potential pilot projects, key stakeholders and major risks. (For a full KM Strategy service, see here)
Through a one-day workshop, we work with you to create a Knowledge Management Strategy for your organisation, aligned with the corporate strategy and the business drivers, including an assessment of critical knowledge areas, potential pilot projects, key stakeholders and major risks. (For a full KM Strategy service, see here)
Using data collected through a survey, we rank your knowledge topics according to their Management needs, identifying and prioritising those topics in most need of knowledge management, knowledge retention, knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer. (For a full Knowledge Audit service, see here)
Using data collected through a survey, we identify your cultural strengths and weaknesses in terms of organisational learning, and highlight the cultural areas where you most need improvement.
In a one-day or half-day workshop led by one of our directors, we introduce to you the topic of knowledge management, demonstrate how it works in organisations like yours, identify the value it can deliver for you, and take the first steps towards developing a knowledge management strategy and action plan.
In a short, targeted piece of work, we demonstrate the power of Knowledge Management in action, to you and to your management.  This could be through launch of a community of practice, a retention interview with a departing expert, a peer assist to bring knowledge into a project, a lessons capture exercise to document hard-won learning, or many other options.

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