Monday, 20 May 2013

15 Knowledge Management strap-lines

Listen to meThe creation of a good Knowledge Management Strapline can be a small but important step in the communication program that accompanies Knowledge Management implementation and helps drive the accompanying behaviour and culture change.

Here's a short selection of Knowledge Management straplines. Do you know of any others that have been used by organisations? If so, please put them in the Comments sections.

  1. Shell - "Ask, Learn, Share"
  2. Infosys - "Learn once, use anywhere"
  3. BBC - "Live and Learn"
  4. BP - "Learn before, during and after"
  5. Mars - "Know to grow"
  6. KPC - "There's always a better way"
  7. Bright - "Turning knowledge into cash"
  8. Knoco - "Know-how is our business"
  9. VidenDanmark -  "From knowledge to results"
  10. Medco Energi - "Knowledge works"
  11. Nestle - “From Data, To Information, To Knowledge, To Actions!”
  12. Infoscions - "We help Infoscions make learning a way of life".
  13. Knowledge Management Post Graduate Centre – “Encouraging serendipity – Connecting People.”
  14. Spirax Sarco - "Little improvements from everyone"
  15. Lots of organisations - "Right knowledge, right people, right time"
  16. Schlumberger - "Apply everywhere what we learn anywhere"
  17. Syngenta - "Yesterday knowledge was Power.. ..Today sharing knowledge is Powerful"


Nick Milton said...

Schlumberger - "Apply everywhere what we learn anywhere"

Unknown said...

In Syngenta we used the following:

‘ Yesterday knowledge was Power..
..Today sharing knowledge is Powerful.’

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