Friday, 7 September 2012

Quantified success stories #47 - shared project notebook at Pfizer

More reused paper notebooks Here is a simple little story about Knowledge Management on a small scale - creating a shared electronic project notebook to support Pfizer drug projects. This is part of a simple Knowledge Management framework involving after action reviews and a shared place for project storage, yet the story suggests it cut 15% off the project timeline. See below

"From the project perspective, efficiency savings have been realised in three main areas; on boarding, decision making and speed of project execution. These improvements can be attributed to the simple fact that shared OneNote notebooks provide all the project’s information in one place and in an easily consumed fashion. In the case of one project, an after-action review was performed on the AGILE [adaptive, group effort, iterative, lean, empowered] continuous improvement processes that the team adopted. In their report the adoption of a shared project notebook was cited as one of the key factors that enabled the team to prosecute the project 30 per cent faster than the standard operating process. The project leader estimated that 15 per cent of this time saving could be directly attributed to the use of a share project notebook". 

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