Wednesday 4 May 2011

Colin Powell, leadership and KM

Colin Powell With Anthrax At United Nations
Interesting to see on Colin Powells Leadership Skills List For Highly Effective Managers, at number 8, the following;

8.Knowledge management and therefore people management is critical to all businesses.

Leadership has to foster the right environment and people within the company (since this is what powers modern knowledge economies). Focus on technical management 30% of the time, and assign the rest for people management.

and then at number 10
10.Business is all about change. Effective leaders realize this and foster an environment where learning and change management is encouraged.

Commanders are always developing leadership skills in their subordinates to foster learning and ownership of tasks within the organization.


Unknown said...

Nice. What's the source of this list? From a book or article?

Nick Milton said...

Sorry - forgot to put the link in - I have edited the post now to include the link

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