Wednesday 9 December 2009

KM - battle of the acronyms

Originally uploaded by thrig

There are some great Acronyms in KM. Some of my favourites are below. Please share your favourites!

ROCK, the Shell acronym for Retention Of Critical Knowledge

KAMP, not as butch as ROCK, the Rolls Royce acronym for their Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling Process

KISS LIPS, perhaps more of a mnemonic than an acronym from Darius Bara, published in the School Business managers publication just4SBMs, to remind you what needs to be covered in Knowledge Retention (Knowledge, Impressions, Solutions, Stuff, Lessons, Information, People, Status)

BLESSINGS, my current favourite, from Henky Chahyadi at PT Sinar Mas Agro, which stands for the Backbone of Learning- and Experience-Sharing System for INcoming GenerationS

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