Tuesday 6 October 2009

KM is dead? Two wrongs make a right

Here's a quote from a this blog, which I instinctively disagreed with on first reading.

“Knowledge Management” is dead. It’s dead because it views knowledge as a discrete product and not a two-way relationship of continuous updates.

My disagreement was with both “Knowledge Management is dead", and "it views knowledge as a discrete product and not a two-way relationship of continuous updates".

Both of these are wrong. KM is not dead, and effective KM does not view knowledge as a discrete product.

But then I realised - if you put them together, they are right. Two wrongs make a right. All you have to do, is change one word, and you get the following true statement.

“Knowledge Management” is dead whenever it views knowledge as a discrete product and not a two-way relationship of continuous updates.

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