Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Army KM principles

Don't click on this link just yet! It seems to hang up my computer if you click on it, but a right-click will allow you to download an interesting document from last summer by the United States Army, listing (and illustrating) their 12 Knowledge Management principles. Some of you may have seen this before.

These principles are

People and culture

1. Train and educate knowledge management leaders, managers and champions.

2. Reward knowledge sharing.

3. Establish a doctrine of collaboration.

4. Use every interaction as an opportunity to acquire and share knowledge.

5. Prevent knowledge loss.


6. Protect and secure information and knowledge assets.

7. Embed knowledge assets (links, podcasts, videos, documents, simulations, wikis and others) in standard business processes and provide access to those who need to know.

8. Use legal and standard business rules and processes across the enterprise.


9. Use standardized collaborative toolsets.

10. Use open architectures to permit access and searching across boundaries.

11. Use a robust search capability to access contextual knowledge and store content for discovery.

12. Use portals that permit single sign-on and authentication across the global enterprise, including partners.

An interesting list, and also interesting to see what's missing - nothing there about institutionalising capture and reuse, nothing there about accountabilities and ownership for knowledge, nothing there about linking KM to the primary issues; presumably because these three are all now firmly embedded in the US Army structure and ethos. Nothing about "learning before, during and after" - in fact nothing there about the processes of KM itself. I would not use this list as a generic list - it must work for the US Army, but I suggest that it would need modification to be used elsewhere.

Also that's a slightly different interpretation of People/Process/Technology than the one we use (click on 'model 2' on this page)

1 comment:

Gordon said...

This list is particularly interesting from the perspective of a law firm. We have been trying to find some general principles that work in our management of client information. The prevention of data loss (point 5) is one well taken here, as it can make or break the firm. Same for point 6. We are trying some standardized principles. I'd personally add something to the effect of communication at various levels, and chain of command, but this is a streamlined list, and it seems like we could implement it well with minor modifications. Thanks.

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