Wednesday 31 March 2021

Please take part in this new (short) survey - how Covid has affected KM

 Please take 5 minutes to reply to this short survey on how the Covid pandemic and accompanying recession has affected KM

Image from wikimedia commons

If you were involved in an organisational Knowledge Management program a year ago, at the start of the recession, please consider answering the short survey below, and let us know how things have changed in the interim.

  • Maybe KM found a stronger purpose during Covid, and has been busier than ever
  • Maybe the KM program was hit by the recession, and the budget was cut or completely eliminated
  • Maybe KM changed direction
  • Maybe you found things easier, or more difficult
It would be good to know!

The survey will take 5 or 6 minutes, it is between 4 and 11 questions depending on circumstance, and we will share the results in about  month time when we have collated all responses.

Your input would be very welcome.

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