Thursday, 14 September 2023

Only a few days left for you to join the global KM survey

There's still a few days left for you to take part in the 2023 Knoco global survey of KM. 

Thank you if you have already taken part. If you haven't, we would love it if you could join too! Please follow the link to take part, and please forward this post to your KM friends in other organisations

What is this survey?
This is a survey of what organisations around the world are doing under the heading of "Knowledge Management". 
This is the 4th survey in a series; the previous surveys were held in 2014, 2017 and 2020. The questions in each of the surveys are mostly identical, allowing us to track changes in the responses over time. 
Even if you have taken part in previous surveys, please consider taking the survey again so we can see what has changed.

Who should take part?
Anyone can take part, who can answer questions on behalf of a current KM program within an organisation. You will need to know this program well. Perhaps you lead KM in the organisation, perhaps you are on the KM team or perhaps you consult to the KM team. If you do not know a current KM program in detail, it's best if you sit this out. 

What does the survey cover?
The survey is quite comprehensive. It covers the maturity, aims and scope of the KM program, the budget and value delivery, the KM team size and skills, the processes, technologies and governance in use, plus optional sections on communities of practice, lessons learning, knowledge retention and AI. 

How long will it take?
We will be honest with you - this survey is a big survey and takes about an hour to complete. We know this is a significant investment of your time, but this ensures the richness of the data gathered. We hope you will feel this is time well invested.

What do I get  in return?
We will send you a copy of the survey report as soon as it is complete. This will not only contain the results of the 2023 survey, but also a comparison with the results of previous years, to show trends in the responses over time.

Will I be anonymous?
Your  name and email address, and the name of the organisation you are answering on behalf of, will not appear in the report,. nor will they be shared with any third parties. 

How do I take the survey?
The link is here, and the survey is open until 20 September.

Thank you in advance!

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